REZZ Rocks 2 days for Red Rocks 2020

REZZ Rocks adds second day for 2020 installmentRezz Red Rocks Full Set Stream 1

Everyone’s favorite Space Mom is back with a big announcement. REZZ‘s Red Rocks takeover event, appropriately titled REZZ Rocks, will be adding a second day this year. 

REZZ has taken over the legendary Colorado venue for the last two years, both times boasting perfectly curated lineups composed of Elohim, Peekaboo, Shadient, Bleep Bloop, and more. With an entire second date added for this year’s installment, the lineup is sure to be packed to the brim with exciting new faces.

REZZ Rocks will take place this Sept. 3 and 4. More information and ticket pre-sale signups can be found here.

REZZ ROCKS III … comin back for 2 DAYS this year. Signup for first access tix at

Photo credit: Shutterfinger

Photo credit: Treevalds

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Rezz Teases Rezz Rocks 2

Last October, Rezz headlined her first show at Red Rocks in Colorado Together with Assistance from TOKiMONSTA, Bleep Bloop, CharlesTheFirst, Digital Ethos and Fytch.  (Shadient was initially reserved, however couldn’t execute.) The month after, she announced it was going to become an annual event. Sure s coming back this year…

September 22 2019
Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Buy Tickets now at

Surprisingly, neither on the Twitter thread in Cult of Rezz (that I can find) have enthusiasts been imagining support functions yet. Let Me put in my 2 cents:

1788-L is a very clear frontrunner. After encouraging Rezz on her Certain Kind Of Magic tour, and generating enough hype on his own, adding him to a Red Rocks lineup is a no brainer. Blanke is also another probable candidate, having battled with Rezz earlier and flying the US for the very first time. Deathpact would be an intriguing choice — as the producer hasn ’t even played any sets. A Rezz Rocks debut would result in an undeniable impact. Wild cards: Champagne Drip? Liquid Stranger? TOKiMONSTA has been a sudden aid for Rezz in October, so we all ’re never ruling out anybody this time around.

More Details are coming soon — stay tuned!

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Rezz Says Rezz Rocks Will Become “an Annual Thing,” Teases Gorge Amphitheatre Show

Rezz’ visit to Red Rocks Amphitheatre apparently won’t be her last.

For plenty of Rezz fans, Rezz Rocks may well have been the highlight of the 2018 festival season. Those who missed it will apparently have more chances, however. 

“Space Mom” has announced in no uncertain terms that she will return to Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado. In addition, she will headline another show at The Gorge Amphitheatre in George, Washington.

After wowing crowds at New City Gas with her recent Porter Robinson remix, among other tracks, Rezz (real name Isabelle Rezazadeh) shared some developments with her fans via Twitter. While Colorado EDM fans surely rejoiced at the news that Rezz Rocks would become”an Annual entity [sic],” Washington ravers will likely lose their collective minds at what else she suggested.

Being that The Gorge Amphitheatre is nearly triple the capacity of Red Rocks, the show will be Rezazedeh’s biggest to date. She has not disclosed an official date at the time of writing – and as can be gleaned from her tweet, she’s still figuring out what to even call it.

Until she reveals more information, watch Rezz’ complete performance at Rezz Rocks past month here.

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REZZ stars in TIDAL’s mini-doc, ‘The Alien Behind The Goggles’

REZZ stars in TIDAL’s mini-doc, ‘The Alien Behind The Goggles’Rezz Tidal 1

Ahead of her album listening party at Magic Castle, REZZ sat with TIDAL to briefly disclose to not precisely where the inspiration came into the Certain Kind Of Magic album, nonetheless based on her come-up, and historic consequences.

REZZ was vocal about her broad range of musical taste, and reiterates this at the assembly, mentioning her love to get pop-punk (Green Day, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance) and deadmau5 concerning the electronic ending. As she fondly reminisces about her ancient festival-going days, the stunt wedges a photo of REZZ posing at an event perched an massive Skrillex perler around her throat.

“I was involved.

Twitter has specify a choice of moments in REZZ&rsquo. She recounts the afternoon Skrillex followed her into the stage, and messaged her asking her to keep him in the loop.

She highlights how she utilizes her interaction with lovers on Twitter permitting them feel connected with ldquo & her. ” REZZ says her lovers attributing her quixotic nicknames on Twitter for example “magician and magician,” led into the motif getting the attention of the album.

Since she can recall back to her musical history, she recalls that though she never discovered notion or desired any instruction she exhibited an aptitude for rhythm. She cites a work out from school where players tried to mimic rsquo & every other;s drum combined with how she mirrored the children rsquo &; cords.

The doc is available for anybody utilizing TIDAL subscriptions. 

Watch REZZ at Red Rocks October 13th

Photo Credit: Philip Prolo